Works and Feature Appearances
October 11th 2022
It’s been a long time coming, but the wait is finally over. birthmarks, my debut poetry collection is something of an amalgamation of all my previous work.
Grazer Poesieautomaten. Eine lyrische Raumin(ter)vention
The Graz poetry automatons were a lyrical spatial in(ter)vention by poet and translator Matthias Göritz and the Institute for Art in Public Space Styria. Three vending machines, from which sweets, condoms or chewing gum are usually extracted, issued 14 poems each from May to December 2021 at three different locations in the literature-friendly city of Graz: "Fresh poems" by Graz authors were available in the Joanneumsviertel, poems by Slovenian authors ("My Neighbor on the Cloud") on the Schloßberg and erotic and "emotional poems" next to the entrance of the Forum Stadtpark.
In this publication, Elisabeth Fiedler, head of the institute, and Matthias Göritz give an insight into the genesis and implementation of the project. In addition, the poems, which were only available in the vending machines for 50 cents each during the project period, as well as the biographies of the authors can now be read in this book.
anthologie: preistexte 20
December 4th 2020
The book on the Exil Literary Awards 2020.
With a foreword by Julya Rabinowich.
Of the child who screams the bats at night, of in between and of leaps in language and loss of meaning, of men who hide in silence because resistance is impossible, of growing up, of girls leaving the continent, of the virtual land of plenty and the possibilities of digital exile, of the Yugoslav war, this book tells of the dream-walking through the house of childhood, of dangerous curses and of the diversity of cultures.
With texts by: Nnebedum Precious, Jankovic Zarko, Miksche Kristijan, Jozef Spataru, Ioana Schönfellner, Sabine Gnedkova, Ganna Akal, Emre Kurbanova, Amina Yilmaz, Ceren and students of WRG Feldgasse 6-8 in Vienna
December 9th 2019
The U20 scene of the Austrian Poetry Slam is absolutely diverse, stubborn and committed. According to the motto "Scheß da nix, dann föhlt da nix!" young poets rock the stages of the mountains and lakes of Austria and South Tyrol (and beyond)! All they need is text, performance and a microphone. This young scene stretches their fists into the air, smears honey around the mouth, balm on the soul and leaves mouths open to marvel, as well as brains and hearts hope that the future is in good hands, as long as it is the same ones who write these texts.
Extensive interview with Megaphon
July 2020
"If no one does anything, then I'll just start"
The worldwide movement "Black Lives Matter" has reached Graz. On June 6, 10,000 people took to the streets. The driving force behind it is called Precious Nnebedum. Julia Reiter met the young woman from Graz and learned what it can mean to be black in a racist world.